麻烦帮我写一篇六年级的英语作文要求:以Making a kite为题,写一篇40-50字的短文.提示语:Two sticks(小棍子),cross(交叉),tie(绑)stick(粘),first,next,then


要求:以Making a kite为题,写一篇40-50字的短文.
提示语:Two sticks(小棍子),cross(交叉),tie(绑)stick(粘),first,next,then

How do you make a kite?First ,you need two sticks.Next ,cross them as a crucifix
.Then,tie them as tight as possible.Because if you do not tie tightly enough,the kite will fall apart and your effort is wasted.Finally,stick them with the glue.You can fly it as high as it can!