用适当的句子补全对话A: Hey, Zhanghui. Have you enjoyed your time in the factory?B: ____________________________________. I like the factory.A: ___________________________________________________?B: Since four years ago.A: ______________________________________________________?B: Everyone here is friendly. We always help each other.A: ________________________________________________?B: Once or twice a year. But this year I’m very busy. I haven’t been back to my


A: Hey, Zhanghui. Have you enjoyed your time in the factory?
B: ____________________________________. I like the factory.
A: ___________________________________________________?
B: Since four years ago.
A: ______________________________________________________?
B: Everyone here is friendly. We always help each other.
A: ________________________________________________?
B: Once or twice a year. But this year I’m very busy. I haven’t been back to my hometown.
A: What’s the special place there?
B: There is a river.
A: A river? Can you swim in it?
B: Yes. ________________________, but now I don’t have time.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Not at all.

A: What do you think of Great Doctor Xi Laile?
B: I like it.
A: Do you like De Fu, too?
B: No. I don't. What about you?
A: I don't like him, either, because I don't like sitcoms.
B: I like them, I like them. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.
A: I can't stand soap operas. Instead, I like watching tne news.
B: Why?
A: I can find out what's going on around the world.

1,yes,I have
2,when did you visit the factory
3,how are people here
4,how often do you return to your hometown
5,I can