英语翻译The same is true for animals.The biggest are the ones that they can hope to live the longest.The elephant lives to be more than sixty years old,but it doesn`t really die of old age.In fact this mammoth has only four teeth plus two tusks,and they wear out over the years.When the animal becomes old,it is incapable of grinding up the plants it needs to eat and it starves to death.If one day,a parrot tells you it is one hundred yeats old,don`t believe


The same is true for animals.The biggest are the ones that they can hope to live the longest.The elephant lives to be more than sixty years old,but it doesn`t really die of old age.In fact this mammoth has only four teeth plus two tusks,and they wear out over the years.When the animal becomes old,it is incapable of grinding up the plants it needs to eat and it starves to death.
If one day,a parrot tells you it is one hundred yeats old,don`t believe it.Parrots live to be fifty years old which is a very good age for a tree.Crows also live a long time.The animals that live the longest are always those that are raised in captivity,in other words,being taken care of and not in danger.But which is better,to live a long time caged up or a little less long but free?
