急~!谁能帮我用英语翻译一下下面的几段话,拜托了~!不要用错语法啊~!达.芬奇,最后的晚餐,给我们呈现了基督教时人的险恶.我给大家介绍一下. 题材取自圣经故事.犹大向官府告密,耶稣在即将被捕前,与十二门徒共进晚餐,席间耶稣镇定地说出了有人出卖他的消息,达·芬奇此作就是耶稣说出这一句话时的情景.画家通过各种手法,生动地刻画了耶稣的沉静、安详,以及十二门徒各自不同的姿态、表情.此作传达出丰富的心理内容. 使我知道了做人不能为了钱而去背叛信任自己的人,这样是不道德的.兄弟姐妹们啊,,不要用翻译机去翻译啊,有很多语法错误的~!!!!会英语的翻译一下啊啊~!!!!!



Da Vinci's "The Last Dinner" has portrayed the sinister evils of Christians of his time. I shall now introduce this to everybody.
The context was adapted from one of the stories in the Bible. Judas informed the authorities that just before Jesus was arrested, he had dinner with his 12 disciples. During the meal, Jesus calmly announced the news of betrayal against him by someone. Da Vinci's work depicts the scene when Jesus made that announcement. The artist vivdly captured Jesus's calm and serenity through various techinques, as well as the different behaviours and expressions of his 12 disciples. This work conveys a multitude of emotions.
This has taught me that it is immoral to betray someone who has placed his trust in us for the sake of money.

Reaching. Fenqi, the final supper, has presented when Christianity to us person's danger. I give everybody to introduce. The theme is from the Holy Bible story. Judas informs to the government authorities, Jesus before soon is arrested, has the supper with 12 disciples, Jesus said some people to betray him calmly at the session the news, reached · Fenqi this to do is Jesus said when these words the scene. The painter through each technique, vividly portrayed Jesus to be quiet, to be serene, as well as 12 disciple respectively different postures, expression. This does transmits the rich psychological content. Caused me to know the personhood could not betray for Qian Er trusts own person, like this not morals

Of leonardo Da Vinci, the last dinner. We present a Christian, to people sinister. I'll give you introduce.
Subject matter from the bible stories. Judah, and Jesus in the government to tell on being captured, and the twelve before dinner, seat Jesus spoke calmly someone to sell his news, leonardo Da Vinci this is Jesus say that the scene when a word. The painter through all sorts of technique, vividly portrays the calm and serene, Jesus and the twelve different attitude, the expression. It conveys abundant psychological content.
That I know the person can't for the money and to betray trust us, it is immoral.

Of leonardo Da Vinci, the last dinner. We present a Christian, to people sinister. I'll give you introduce.
Subject matter from the bible stories. Judah, and Jesus in the government to tell on being captured, and the twelve before dinner, seat Jesus spoke calmly someone to sell his news, leonardo Da Vinci this is Jesus say that the scene when a word. The painter through all sorts of technique, vividly portrays the calm and serene, Jesus and the twelve different attitude, the expression. It conveys abundant psychological content.
That I know the person can't for the money and to betray trust us, it is immoral

我自己翻译的,应该没问题Da Vinci,The Last Dinner,presents to us the dangerous side of the Christians.I will give to introduce.The subject comes from the Bible stories.Juda peached to the government,tha...

Da venci the last meal, reveal a danger situation which the chisthian educate the people.Let me introduce to you.
this story come from bible stories. Judas conceited to the government .jesus have meal with twelve disciples before he was arrested .Jesus tell them that someone would betrayed him .Da venci depended on this word . The drawer use every ways.measure the peace ,tuneful of jesus christ and everyone's posture appearance vividly. so it take plenty of ____ contents.
It makes me to know that it was wrong to go for money instead of betray the one who trusted themselves. This is incencere.