


thank you for the price list(或quotation) you provided,we will think about it carefully and contact you several days later with placing the purchasing order to you officially.

Thank you for your price list, we will consider it. A few days and a contact, the official next purchase orders to you.

Thank you for your price list, we will consider, after a few days, and you, a formal purchase order to you

Thanks for your price list. We will consider it and contact you to make formal orders in days.


Thank you for your tariff list. We will have a closer look at it and contact you a few days later with an official purchase order.

thank you for your price list, which will be considered and we will conatact you again in a few days about how to place an official order with you.

Thank you for your quotation. We will think it over and contact you to place official purchase order in next few days.

quotation:报价 报价单
think it over:考虑
official purchase order:正式采购订单
place order:下订单
in next few days:过几天 接下去的几天

Thank you for your price list, we will consider, after a few days, and you, a formal purchase order to you.