英语翻译期末英语考试,有几个句子不懂哈,帮帮忙要书面式的翻译:1,Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.2,In the intimacy of the home it is easy to displace disappoint or frustruction onto the nearest person.3,Positions tradionally stereotyped as moderate-to low-paying will experience a windfall.4,the typical public school teacher will be looking at significant pay increases as private business invest in public schools in an effort to mold theri student bodies


期末英语考试,有几个句子不懂哈,帮帮忙要书面式的翻译:1,Nowhere is thinking courtesy more important than in marriage.
2,In the intimacy of the home it is easy to displace disappoint or frustruction onto the nearest person.
3,Positions tradionally stereotyped as moderate-to low-paying will experience a windfall.
the typical public school teacher will be looking at significant pay increases as private business invest in public schools in an effort to mold theri student bodies into tomorrow's skilled workforce.
5,Companies will address this situation through methods like on-site counseling and development of spetial programs desighed to bring employees toghther in social settings where they can meet and get to know one another.

1 这貌似是个病句 不过字面意思是没有什么地方会认为 礼貌比婚姻更重要2 在亲密的家庭中,对最亲密的人的失望或者沮丧很容易被取代3 第二个单词是不是 traditionally?别老输错给我带来困难撒适度降低报酬将会使模式化...