the same as 的用法“ She has a haircut the same as I " 还是 “She has a haircut the same as me” ,或者“She has a haircut the same as I do”


the same as 的用法
“ She has a haircut the same as I " 还是 “She has a haircut the same as me” ,或者“She has a haircut the same as I do”

She has a haircut the same as me是正确的.the 表示“ 类似;相同”指两个东西是同种类的.
same 是形容词 后面可以跟名词 它也是代词 后面可以什么也不跟
as 是关系代词 这个以后再讲.
记住same后跟名词 就行了.动名词也是名词 same后跟动名词不常见.
1he is not the same man as he was before.
2.this pen is the same as mine.