我的家乡*库尔勒 英语作文我的家乡是*的梨城库尔勒他位于*和北疆的中间所以这里的文化很丰富临近国内最长的内陆河塔里木河和国内最大的沙漠塔克拉玛干大沙漠这里的人普遍都很长寿所以又被誉为长寿村在2006年辈评为10大魅力城市库尔勒市是古丝绸之路的路线咽喉的悠久历史这就是我的家乡我爱我的家乡(就是关于这样的文章帮我修饰下谢谢了)别 给我复制粘贴个翻译的不会采纳的


我的家乡*库尔勒 英语作文
别 给我复制粘贴个翻译的不会采纳的

My hometown can be beautiful,beautiful.
Spring,hang jiulong appered blossomed,waves scent waft home side,as long as a out we can smell osmanthus fragrance.Osmanthus tea,still can do it on the tree,and a the pick one,bask in hot weather on a few days and then put it in a jar put on five or six months,can make tea.
Summer,lotus leaf in the stream long,red petals unfold blossoms,inside have similar thing,like a bowl of bowl with small round economicsystem can eat.
Autumn,tree after fruit tree fruit,orange,orange...The oranges big and yellow,and also very sweet,orange too tasty beauty
The most beautiful be winter with snow drift,to air