英语翻译An old man and a young man are walking in the park.The young man is behing the old man.There is a bench in front of the old man.The young man is very glad when he sees the bench.He walks to the bench.He sees the old man walking up to it,too.So he begibs to run.Now he is front of the old man.The old man says,"Don't sit on the bench!"But the young man doesn't listen to him.He sits on it.He looks happy.The old man comes over to him a sign in his hand


An old man and a young man are walking in the park.The young man is behing the old man.There is a bench in front of the old man.The young man is very glad when he sees the bench.He walks to the bench.He sees the old man walking up to it,too.So he begibs to run.Now he is front of the old man.The old man says,"Don't sit on the bench!"But the young man doesn't listen to him.He sits on it.He looks happy.The old man comes over to him a sign in his hand.It says,"Wet Paint".



一个老人和一个年轻人在公园里面散步 这个年轻人跟在老人的后面 有一个沙滩在老人的前面 当这个年轻人看到沙滩的时候他非常高兴 他走到沙滩 他看见老人也走上了沙滩 所以他开始跑 现在他在老人的前面了 这个老人说 :“不要坐在沙滩上!” 但是这个年轻人没有听老人的话 他坐在沙滩上看起来开心 这个老人走到他的面前把一个标示拿在手里。上面写着,“油漆未干”。
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有些词语你可能打错了 比如第三行的 begibs 是不是 begins?


