英语翻译路见不幸,为什么不愿出手相助?  在地铁中或马路上见到有困 难的老人,其实每个人心里都想去帮他们一把.可是,真正采取行动的人却很少.难道是因为城市里的人比较害羞吗?确实有这个因素,但其所占比例相当微小.  有另外一个心理原因,使我们不愿伸出援助之手,那就是当周围有很多人的时候,我们心里就会想:“即使我们不去帮助他,也应该有人会出手相助.”这其实是一种依赖别人的想法.在心理学上,这种现象被称为“林格曼效应”.  德国心理学家林格曼曾经做过一个让众人拉网的实验.结果,每当拉网的人数增加,每个人出的力就会减小一点.原本,我们认为人数的增加会发挥相乘效应,即每个人出的力会增加,但实际上并非如此.当人数越多时,人就越会感觉“我只不过是其中一分子”,于是拉网的时候就不那么卖力了.  有别人在场时,人总会想:“即使我不求救,也会有别人求救的.”在现实社会中,有困难的人得不到救助,很多情况下都是这种心理效应起作用的结果.不用完全准确,大体意思能表达出来就行


  在地铁中或马路上见到有困 难的老人,其实每个人心里都想去帮他们一把.可是,真正采取行动的人却很少.难道是因为城市里的人比较害羞吗?确实有这个因素,但其所占比例相当微小.

Why do people don't help others when someone is in trouble?
Actually,everyone wants to help the old who's in trouble when in mytro or on the street.But,few people take action.Is that because the city people are shy?In fact,this is oneof the reason.But the
proportion is small.
And there is another psychological reason that we are not willing to help.When many people around us,we may have a feeling that "although i don't help him,others will!"But catually,this is the dependence.Psychologically,the phenomenon is called"Ringlemann effect"
The German psychologist Ringlemann had done a test.He let people to carry a seine.When people increased in joining the group,everyone would not pull vigorously as before.Originally,we supposed that every one would be more vigorous than before when others joined in.But in fact,it was adverse.People would think that:i'm just one of the person in the group".So,they would not pull hard when others joined.
If there are others around,mose people will think"even though i don't help him,others will!"In the real society,many people can't get help when in trouble.And most reason is the result of Ringlemann's psychological effect.