英语翻译国定假日是英国生活与文化中不可或缺的一部分.也因为假期不是非常多,所以当他们遇到国定假日时,一定会好好地大势庆祝一番,像是在圣诞节时来一场打雪仗、五月份的嘉年华或是八月冰淇淋海滩派对等等.当然,在整年度里其他的公定假日与周末,也是有许多传统庆祝方式的活动在进行.'在英国最重要的国定假日是圣诞节、复活节和新年;其他像是规定当天银行与商业活动都会暂停服务也都是公定假日.这些假日并非每年都固定在同一日,而且英国四个区域中,个有各的公定假日,例如在英格兰与威尔斯就订有八天的公定假日,而在苏格兰与北爱尔兰择定了十天.谢绝翻译机,都说了不要翻译机咯,= =怪平时贪玩,我还有个英语话剧要写= =还有其他作业要做


都说了不要翻译机咯,= =
怪平时贪玩,我还有个英语话剧要写= =还有其他作业要做

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Official holidays constitutes an indispensable part of British life and their culture. Because their holidays are limited, they always hold a great celebration when it comes - activities like throwing...

National holiday is the life and an important part of culture. Also because of the holiday is not very much, so when they meet national holidays, must be carefully clung to celebrate Christmas time, like a snowball fights in the carnival in August, beach party or ice cream. Of course, in the whole year with other male fixed holidays, but also has many traditional weekend celebration activities. "
In Britain, the most important national holiday is Christmas, Easter, and New Year, Other like the bank and commercial activities regulations will be suspended for holidays are male. The holiday is fixed on the same day, every year, and British four areas, a set of each holiday, such as in England and wales is a set of eight male and in Scotland, holiday with Northern Ireland until the days