Cell growth and gene modulatory activities of Yunzhi (Windsor Wunxi) from mushroom .


Cell growth and gene modulatory activities of Yunzhi (Windsor Wunxi) from mushroom .
谁能帮我找篇文献:Cell growth and gene modulatory activities of Yunzhi (Windsor Wunxi) from mushroom Trametes versicolor in androgen-dependent and androgen-insensitive human prostate cancer cells.Hsieh,T.C.,Wu,J.M.,2001.International Journal of Oncology 18,81–88.有请发到我的邮箱:mingcui861003@sina.com,

Int J Oncol. 2001 Jan;18(1):81-8.Cell growth and gene modulatory activities of Yunzhi (Windsor Wunxi) from mushroom Trametes versicolor in androgen-dependent and androgen-insensitive human prostate ca...