Gu Jiegang argued in 1922 that Yang Zhu has been terribly misrepresented by Mencius. What Yang Zhu meant is that even if he could have enjoyed the benefit of ruling the empire by pulling out one hair, he would not have done it.Thus, Yangzi was not selfishly refusing to help others: he was able to resist the appeal of possessing the whole realm because he realized that, in the end, this would harm his own person. Such concern with oneself was certainly not considered by his followers a selfish act at the expense of others, but on the contrary, better for them too. Various Yangist texts indicate that the best candidate for rulership is detached from status, power and luxury; he takes care of himself and therefore does not even want the throne.Gu refers to a passage in Hanfeizi “Xian xue” in which someone is described as unwilling to enter an endangered city or a military fight because “he would not exchange one hair of his shin for a benefit as great as the realm (不以天下大利易其胫一毛).” Hanfei’s complaint about rulers who respect such a “man who values life more than anything else (重生轻物)”attests to the success of Yangzi’s thought.