Amy’s apartment building is in the center(中心) of town.Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient(方便的) place.Across from the building,there’s a bank,a post office,and a restaurant.Next to the building,there’s a drug store and a laundromat(洗衣店).Around the corner(角落) from the building,ther are two supermarkets.There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building.There are a lot of cars on the street,and there are a lot of people


Amy’s apartment building is in the center(中心) of town.Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient(方便的) place.Across from the building,there’s a bank,a post office,and a restaurant.Next to the building,there’s a drug store and a laundromat(洗衣店).Around the corner(角落) from the building,ther are two supermarkets.
There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building.There are a lot of cars on the street,and there are a lot of people one the sidewalks(人行道)all day and all night.However,Amy’s isn’t very upset(不安) about the noise in her neighborhood(附近).Her building is in the center of town.It’s a very busy place,but it’s a convenient place to live.
( )1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.
( )2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building.
( )3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood.
( )4.There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk.
( )5.The center of town is very noisy.

( T)1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.
( F)2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building.
( T)3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood.
( F)4.There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk.
( T)5.The center of town is very noisy.


( T )1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.( F )2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building.( F )3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood.( F )4.There are a lot of cars on ...