

R&D subsidies designed to encourage innovation efforts by firms may have intended and unintended effects on the way they organize their innovation process.We present empirical evidence on how R&D subsidies affect firms’ R&D cooperation strategies.In particular,we investigate whether receiving public R&D subsidies affect the probability that a firm will set up an R&D partnership with a public research organization (PRO),or with other firms.Our main findings are:(i) public support significantly increases the chances that a firm will cooperate with a PRO,and (ii) public support also increases the likelihood that a firm will establish private partnerships,but to a smaller extent and only when firms have intangible knowledge assets.These results suggest that public R&D programmes trigger a behavioural change in firms’ R&D partnerships,alleviating barriers to cooperation.

*的鼓励创新的研发基金(津贴or补贴)对公司是否设立研发中心产生了影响.调查发现,1 *的支持显著的提升了公司设立研发中心的意愿2 *的支持同时也让一些拥有知识产权,无形资产的公司愿意与其他公司合作建立...