

This is Jim's bedroom.It has a big window.We can see a b...near the window.Many taps and books are in it.This is his d....It is very big.A pencil box,a clock and a computer are on it.His chair is near the desk.H...schoolbag is on it.That is his bed.A m...of China is on the wall.(每三个点表示一个空)

This is Jim's bedroom.It has a big window.We can see a 【bookshelf】 near the window.Many taps and books are in it.This is his 【desk】 .It is very big.A pencil box,a clock and a computer are on it.Hi...That is his bed.(A hat is on it.His shoes are u... the bed.) A m... of china is onthe wall.打括号的地方是修改的A hat is on it.His shoes are 【under】 the bed. 在床下