This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman .


This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman .

看图作文写作技巧 一、仔细观图,把握要旨 看图作文,只有看懂了图,才能写好文章,所以,写作时首先要仔细观察画面内容,抓住图中所表达的主题思想.如若单幅图,就要弄清各部分的内容及各部分之间的联系;若是连环画,要注意各幅图之间的联系及不同之处.二、遵循顺序,理清思路 观察图画时,要按照一定的顺序.如果观图次序混乱,写起来也就会层次不清.单幅图:按照事物空间位置变换顺序或内容的主次顺序进行.连环画:按照事物发展变化的顺序进行观察.三、主次分明,注意取舍 观图一定要有所侧重,与主题思想密切相关的人、物或场景要重点观察.倘若题目提示中参考词汇或短语,就应该认真领悟并把其同画面联系起来,从观察中领会图画的内容.四、注重联系,适当发挥 看图作文,通常画面只能展现事物发展的一个或几个片段,这时就需要我们根据画面进行合理的联想,把画面中没有明显示的内容写出来,使整个情节完整.如根据图中人物的穿着打扮和环境特点判断季节时间,根据人物资态想像动作、语言及内心活动,根据人物之间的关系来猜测事件的前因后果等.另外,有时为了叙述方便,还可以为图画中人物起名字.五、确立轮廓,形成模式 根据文章提示图画内容,来确定文章的题材、格式,同时考虑人称、选词及时态的运用.系列(一) 提示:看完这幅漫画之后,请以We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter为题,用英语写一段话.词数100左右,包括以下要点:1.简单描述漫画内容; 2.学生作业负担过重 (be overburdended with); 3.希望老师精讲,学生精练; 4.多参加体育锻炼和社会动 (social activities) 注意:不要逐条翻译上述要点.审题:1.本篇文章拟分为两段,一段描述漫画的内容,另一段由此产生的教育情况.2.时态应基本定在一般现在时上.学生习作 We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman.The girl wears a pair of glasses and carries①a schoolbag②.The woman is doing some exercise.The girl is saying to the woman,“If you carry the schoolbag for me,I’m sure you will lose some weight.” At persent we students are overburdended with lessons and homeworks③.Every day we have to listen to the teachers,take notes and do our homeworks.We do wish④our teachers will help us get more knowledges⑤with fewer lectures and less homeworks.We intend to do more physical exercise and join⑥some social activities to make us stronger and healthier. 点评:本篇文章对图画描述基本到位,时态运用很好.第二段作了适当的发挥.不足之处在于:①wears…carries应为is wearing…and carrying.本处描述的是图画的现在画面,用进行时为妥.②此处最好在schoolbag前添上形容词large and heavy来说明作业的过重.③homeworks改为homework,为不可数名词,下同.④wish改为hope,wish后跟虚拟语气.⑤knowledge,是不可数名词.⑥join改为take part in.表示参加某项活动.修改后的文章:We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman.The girl is wearing a pair of glasses and carrying a large and heavy schoolbag.The woman is doing some exercise.The girl is saying to the woman,“If you carry the schoolbag for me,I’m sure you will lose some weight.” At present we students are overburdened with lessons and homework.Every day we have to listen to the teachers,take notes and do our homework.We do hope our teachers will help us get more knowledge with fewer lectures and less homework.We intend to do more physical exercise and take part in some social activities to make us stronger and healthier