1.He said that no one taught him how to tell right from wrong.


1.He said that no one taught him how to tell right from wrong.
tell right from wrong 是指“判断对错”吗?如果是,那为什么不用or用from?
2.The world itself is becoming a much smaller place.
3.If we can find a way out,we'll be in no danger of drying up.
find a way out 是怎么回事?是代词中置?可是a way不是代词呀!另外,
可以换成 find out a way 最后,dry up

tell right from wrong 字面意思是从错误中找到正确内容,明辨是非的意思.
这是个双主语结构,不光itself,比如:You two clean the hall.the fish itself can swim to sea.
find a way out 当然可以换成 find out a way,但原句又强调out的作用,翻译的时候就有了“真能找到的话”的意思.drying up 干涸、干枯的意思