On this very special day, we want to wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world.此句有没有错误?
On this very special day, we want to wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world.此句有没有错误?
没有语法错误,后半句We换成I可能效果更强一些.want to ��wish�����ظ������ѵ����߿���ͬʱʹ��ԭ���û�д���want to����Ӳ���ʽû�����⡣����˼�Ͽ�want �� wishҲ��û���ظ�������û�е���Wish�á���want to ȥ��Ч����һЩ��On this very special day, we ( or I) wish you and your husband all the happiness in the world.