A.Eventually B.Finally C.At last D.At the end


A.Eventually B.Finally C.At last D.At the end
63.The matter has nothing to do with him; he was just ____________ his duty.
A.applying B.using C.performing D.playing
64.You've got this entire nice plan about your future business.But _________ it doesn't work out?
A.what about B.how about C.what if D.what happens
65.This new method was particularly _________ in our situation as we do not have enough money for the experiment.
A.related B.relevant C.connected D.interested
66.He rushed back home,_____________ find the house burnt down to ground.
A.in order to B.as a result to C.and was able to D.only to
67.The company has bought the rights _________ the Harry Potter series (系列故事).
A.of B.in C.with D.about
68.The _________ doctor has at last been caught,after having cheated so many people.
A.fake B.false C.make-believe D.pretending
69.Franklin's ____________ of electricity brought light to people of the world.
A.finding B.discovery C.search D.research
70.Teachers should make decisions ___________ whether the students need more help.
A.as for B.as to C.as far as D.in relation to
71.It is important that you ________ the clothing and shoes to make sure they fit before you pay for them.
A.put on B.wear C.try D.try on
72.The explosion ________ pieces of window glass flying into the crowd outside the house.
A.made B.sent C.broke D.took

63.C64.C65.D [该题我不同意楼上的观点,B 项 relevent 是“有关”的意思,语义上讲不通;而 D 项interest in 在该句中意为“有帮助”,故选 D.]66.D 67.A68.A [ fake 意为“假的;冒牌的;冒充的”;而 D 项 pretending...