

请大师解释下,该句的英语结构!We are now one of the premier headwear suppliers in the UK holding stocks of what is probably the largest range in the UK.

we是主语 are是系动词 one of the premier headwear suppliers in the UK是表语 其中in the UK是介词短语 修饰前面的one of the premier headwear suppliers
关键语法知识点是最后的holding stocks of what is probably the largest range in the UK这句 这一句是用现在分词(动词ing)作后置定语 其中还包含了一个what引导的宾语从句 what引导的从句就是of这个介词的宾语 其中what是引导词(这种情况下是不用先行词的) is是系动词 the largest range是表语 in the UK是介词短语修饰the largest range 这个句子的意思其实就是holding stocks of probably the largest range in the UK 掌握着可能是全英国范围最广的股份