While I was waiting to enter university,I saw in a newspaper a teaching job [16]___ at a school about ten miles from whe


While I was waiting to enter university,I saw in a newspaper a teaching job [16]___ at a school about ten miles from where I lived.Being very short of [17]___ and wanting to do something [18]___ I applied(申请),[19]___ as I did so,that without a degree and with no [20]___ of teaching,my chances of getting the job were [21]___.
However,three days later,a letter arrived,calling me to Croydon for a meeting with the headmaster.It proved to be a [22]___ journey:a train to Croydon station,a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at [23]___ a quarter of a mile.As a result I arrived there,feeling toe hot to be nervous.It was clearly the [24]___ himself that [25]___ the door.He was short and round.
"The school," he said,"is made up of one [26]___ of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen" I should have to teach all the subjects except art,[27]___ he taught himself I should have to divide the clas s into [28]___ groups and teach them in turn at three different 29]___,and I was [30]___ at the thought of teaching maths-a subject at which I wasn ‘t very [31]___ at school.Worse perhaps was the idea of [32]___ to teach them on Saturday afternoon becausee most of my friends would be [33]___ themselves at that time.
Before I had time to ask about my salary,he got up to his [34]___ "Now,"he said,"you' d better meet my wife She is the one who really [35]___ this school".
16.A.kept B.lost C.wanted D.found
17.A.money B.tim e C.students D.clothes
18.A.harmful B.useful C.funny D.secret
19.A.expecting B.whispering C.fearing D.considering
20.A.material B.experience C.means D.books.
21.A.nice B.great C.slight D.helpful.
22.A.difficult B.pleasant C.comfortable D.short.
23.A. most B.least C.last D.first.
24.A.teacher B.door-keeper C.student D.headmaster.
25.A.shut B.opened C.repaired D.kicked.
26.A.group B.class C.dozen D.score .
27.A.which B.that C.what D.this .
28.A.one B.two C.three D.four .
29.A.classes B.subjects C.levels D.places.
30.A.excited B.angry C.glad D.disappointed.
31.A.poor B.interested C.weak D.good .
32.A.orcing B.having C.forgetting D.managing.
33.A.watching B.studying C.enjoying D.helping.
34.A.letter B.feet C.hands D.wife .
35.A.runs B.starts C.observes D.likes.

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