he went out of the office,with his eyes A fixed B kept选什么,为什么


he went out of the office,with his eyes A fixed B kept选什么,为什么

A这是fix one's eyes (on sth) 短语fix one's eyes on sth 盯着.看比较:keep an eye on 照看,照管; 留心; 注意Basking on the balcony,Granny can still keep an eye on the children.老奶奶一面在阳台上晒太阳,一...那么换成with his an eye on me就可以用kept?可以那题目要是没有fixed光有keep的各种形式是不是就算出的不规范那是没出好。或是因为出题的不清楚这是个习语fix 的话,不算是习语,它的本意是“使。。。。固定(锁定)在。。。。之上”直接可以看出来 fix one's eyes(attention/ mind/ thought...) on(upon.....