Know all men by these presence that I,(signatory name),holder of the Passport No.:00000000000 (for and on behalf of corp
Know all men by these presence that I,(signatory name),holder of the Passport No.:00000000000 (for and on behalf of corporate name,if using a corporation),the above investor,give notice that you have permission and specific authorization to confirm and authenticate our legally owned,clear,good,clean and of no encumbrance funds/asset in the amount of United States Dollars XXX Million only (USD$00,000,000.00) is available as cash funds or bank instrument on a bank to bank basis,which are currently available at the bank coordinate identified below:
其中clear,good ,clean的翻译可能涉及到专业术语,我不懂得这方面的术语,只能从字面上翻译了.
这些资产可以折合成现金或者根据银行的规定作为使用银行工具(包括信用证,银行保函和汇票 )的抵押,这些资产信息在以下确认的银行账户信息中有(详细)体现.