1.They will stay there for two weeks.____ ____ ____ they stay there?


1.They will stay there for two weeks.____ ____ ____ they stay there?
2.We have learned five English songs.____ ____ English songs ____ you learned?
3.Joe practises swimming twice a week.____ ____ ____ Joe ____ swimming?
4.It is about two kilometres from my home to school.____ ____ ____ it from your home to school?
5.There are several pictures on the wall.____ ____ on the wall?
6.Kitty enjoyed playing badminton.____ ____ Kitty ____ ____
7.My mother did the housework last night.(改为否定句 My mother ____ ____ the housework last night.
8.Jim has bought some new books for himself.____ ____ Jim ____ for himself?
9.She does puzzles at home every day.(改为一般疑问句) ____ she ____ ____ at home every day?
10.His father’s ship sank in the big waves last month.(改成否定句) His father’s ship ___ __in the big waves last month.

How long will
How many,have
How many times,practises
How far is
How many
What dis,enjoyed playing
Didn't do
What has,bought
Does,do puzzles
Didn't sank