Validating date in the format 081703 - possible?


Validating date in the format 081703 - possible?
Hi,I've erm probably got a really simple question but my little brain can't figure out a solution.So here goes.Does anyone know whether the following date format can be checked via a FM in YYYYMMDD the format would appear 20030817,but I'm recieving it in the format 081703?Any ideas?I suppose I could split it into YYYYMMDD format and then insert '20' at the begining,but I just thought I'd see if anyone had a better way of doing this.Thanks a lot.Lyra Belaqua

Hi,There is no way for a function module to know what is the format for sure, unless you specify it. 010203 for example could mean several things. Since you know exactly the format of the date (MMDDYY...