your version of windows limits the amount of contiguous ram a single program
your version of windows limits the amount of contiguous ram a single program
your version of windows limits the amount of contiguous RAM a single program can test all your RAM run more than one
copy of available RAM .to start,run two copies of Memtest and set each to test 512MB of ram if you getthis message again tyr testing
even smaller amounts of RAM,running more than one copy of Mem test
does not lower the quality of the test(and can even improve it if you hanve multiple CPUs).
NOTE:this process osautomated in Memtest Pro是什麽意思
您的Windows版本限制单个程序可以分配连续的内存量.测试你所有可用的RAM RAM运行的多个副本.开始,运行memtest,每两份如果你getthis消息再次Tyr测试即使少量的RAM测试512MB内存,运行内存测试多个副本不降低测试质量(...