可否给一些以V.ed作后置定语 v.ing形容词 v.ed形容词姐V.ing 做宾语 to do做宾语的动词呢?学学


可否给一些以V.ed作后置定语 v.ing形容词 v.ed形容词姐V.ing 做宾语 to do做宾语的动词呢?学学

v-ed做后置定语,the food bought in the shop . the meeting held yesterday.
v-ing 做后置定语.The boy standing at the door the girl singing in the room
形容词做定语 a big room
后接V.ing 做宾语的动词有, finishenjoymindmiss appreciate imagineconsider allow permit forbid advisesuggest propose admitrisk delay
后接to do做宾语的动词有 want wish hope would likelovedecideplan mean intend
arrangeundertakechoose pretendappearseem