A:( ) B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.根据问句写答句.根据问句写答句.A:( )B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.根据问句写答句.A:( )B:The  bookstore is on the east of thecinema.A:(         )B:The rain comes from the clouds.根据答句写问句.A:( )B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.A:( )B:The  bookstore is on the east of thecinema.A:(         )B:The rain comes from the clouds.


A:( ) B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.根据问句写答句.
A:( )
B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.根据问句写答句.
A:( )
B:The  bookstore is on the east of thecinema.
A:(         )
B:The rain comes from the clouds.
A:( )
B:Yes,the park is next to the post office.A:( )
B:The  bookstore is on the east of thecinema.
A:(         )
B:The rain comes from the clouds.