用shall,should,will,would填空1.____you open the door for me?2.Why ____ he think like that?3.I ____ like to make a suggestion.4.The window ____ (not) open.5.You may be certain that the agreement ____ be honoured.6.You know it irritates the speaker when you interrupt;why ____ you do it?给出答案的同时,请给我解释下为什么选这个,


1.____you open the door for me?
2.Why ____ he think like that?
3.I ____ like to make a suggestion.
4.The window ____ (not) open.
5.You may be certain that the agreement ____ be honoured.
6.You know it irritates the speaker when you interrupt;why ____ you do it?

1.shall 2.should 3.would 4.will

1 would;2 will;3 would;4 should not;5 shall;6 would

1.will____you open the door for me?在此是祈使句表示:征求对方意见请求对方帮忙2.Why __should__ he think like that?是特殊疑问句,根据句意应表示:为什么他应该那么想?3.I _would___ like to make a suggestion...