以are you have a cold?为题的英语作文首先,这是新目标的英语书,第二单元11页3b的一个短文,题目是,Are you tired?现在,要仿照这篇短文写一篇题为are you have a cold的英语段文,书上的原文是: Are you tired? Everybody gets tired sometimes.When you are tired ,you shoudn`t go out at night .You should go to bed early fora few nights and you should exercise to stay hearly .Youshould also eat fruit and other healthy foods.You shouldn`t studywhen you are tired.


以are you have a cold?为题的英语作文
Are you tired?
现在,要仿照这篇短文写一篇题为are you have a cold的英语段文,
书上的原文是: Are you tired?
Everybody gets tired sometimes.When you are tired ,you
shoudn`t go out at night .You should go to bed early for
a few nights and you should exercise to stay hearly .You
should also eat fruit and other healthy foods.You shouldn`t study
when you are tired.

Are you have a cold?Every body have a cold sometimes.When you have a cold,you shouldn't work to late,you should take a good rest.You should eat some pills or go to hospital if it is necessary,you shou...