if条件状语从句的时态练习1.If Bruce ________(be) free,Let’s go to the park.2.Tell him the news if you ________ (meet )him tomorrow.3.If he ________(do) well in the exam.His teacher will be pleased with him.4. If Mary ________(leave ) home too long,she ________(miss) her parents.5.Be quick ,and you _________(arrive) in time.6.Hurry up,or you_________(be ) late for school.三. 将下列句子改为含if条件从句的复合句 1.Get enough sleep ,and we won’t feel tired._______________,we won’t fee


1.If Bruce ________(be) free,Let’s go to the park.2.Tell him the news if you ________ (meet )him tomorrow.
3.If he ________(do) well in the exam.His teacher will be pleased with him.4. If Mary ________(leave ) home too long,she ________(miss) her parents.5.Be quick ,and you _________(arrive) in time.
6.Hurry up,or you_________(be ) late for school.三. 将下列句子改为含if条件从句的复合句 1.Get enough sleep ,and we won’t feel tired._______________,we won’t feel tired.2.Think hard ,or you won’t find a better way..________________,you won’t find a better way.
3.You are going to copy others’ papers .The teacher won’t let you take the exam._____________________,the teacher won’t let you take the exam.III完成句子
What _______________ if he _____________ late?2.如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩.
If you_________ ________,you ________ good ___________.3.他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴.
If he _____ TV too much,his parents _____ _________unhappy.4.如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的.
Everyone ________ if we _______a birthday party ________ him.
If it _____ ______tomorrow,I _____ go to the park ______you.6.如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的.
She;___ ___ ___ ___ the trip if she _____ ___ 7.如果他有空,他会帮助你的.If he ____ ____ ,he ______ ____ you.
Tom ______have the _____to go to the high school if he ________the exams.9.你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课.
You _______ _____ good at all the subjects if you ______ the other students’ homework
Tom said he liked movies.⇒Tom said,“_____ _______ movies.”
He asked me if I lived in Beijing.⇒He asked me,“______ ______ _______ in Beijing?”
I asked Li Lei where he had been.⇒I asked Li Lei,“_______ _______ ______ been?”
4.My mother asked me to do more reading.⇒My mother said to me,“______ ______ reading,please.”
5.The boy said he couldn't finish the work.⇒The boy said,“____ ________ finish the work.”

1 If Bruce【is】(be) free, Let’s go to the park.
2. Tell him the news if you 【meets】 (meet )him tomorrow.
3. If he 【does】_(do) well in the exam. His teacher will be pleased with him.
4. If Mary 【leavea】(leave ) home too long, she 【will miss】(miss) her parents.
5. Be quick , and you 【should arrive】(arrive) in time.
6. Hurry up, or you_【will be】(be ) late for school.
三. 将下列句子改为含if条件从句的复合句
1 Get enough sleep , and we won’t feel tired. 【If we get enough sleep】, we won’t feel tired. 2. Think hard , or you won’t find a better way.. 【If you think hard】, you won’t find a better way.
3. You are going to copy others’ papers . The teacher won’t let you take the exam.
【If you are going to copy others’ papers】 the teacher won’t let you take the exam.
What【will happen】 if he 【comes】 late?
2. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩.
If you【study hard】, 【You will get good grades】.
3. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴.
If he 【watches】TV too much, his parents 【won't be】unhappy.
4. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的.
Everyone【will come】 if we 【hold】a birthday party 【for】him.
5. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的.
If it 【doesn't rain】tomorrow, I 【will】go to the park【with】you.
6. 如果她睡过头了,就会旅游迟到的.
She【will be late for】 the trip if she【sleeps in】
7. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的. If he【is free】 , he 【will help】you.
8. 如果Tom考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了.
Tom 【won't】have the 【chance】to go to the high school if he 【fails】_the exams.
9. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课.
You 【won't be】good at all the subjects if you 【copy】 the other students’ homework