一道虚拟语气英文选择题,The calculations involved,had they been done by hand,____all practical value by the time they were finished.A) had lost B)would have lost C)would lose D)should have lost为什么选B,不选D ,虚拟语气不是should/might/would都可以用的吗?


The calculations involved,had they been done by hand,____all practical value by the time they were finished.
A) had lost B)would have lost
C)would lose D)should have lost
为什么选B,不选D ,虚拟语气不是should/might/would都可以用的吗?


因为by the time .说明到某个时间为止,如果后面跟的是过去的时间,如此题,到一个过去的时间为止,前面要搭配过去将来完成时.所以选B.