一、Vocabulary and structure (一共10题,每题6分.)


一、Vocabulary and structure (一共10题,每题6分.)
试题1 (6分)
【72583】 Much _____ said about the problem but nothing _____ been done so far.
A. were,has
B. is,has
C. were,had
D. had been,has
试题2 (6分)
【72738】 There _____ a TV set and a number of chairs in the sitting room.
A. are
B. being
C. were
D. is
试题3 (6分)
【72751】 I have _____ my shopping yet.
A. done
B. got
C. make
D. taken
试题4 (6分)
【72810】 Tomatoes were once called love apples and were supposed to make those who ate them _____ in love.
A. fell
B. feel
C. fall
D. felt
试题5 (6分)
【72838】 Keep in _____ that all people are different and some may progress faster than others.
A. head
B. brain
C. heart
D. mind
试题6 (6分)
【72877】 My sister spends _____ studying so that she might later get a better job.
A. most of her times
B. her most times
C. her most time
D. most of her time
试题7 (6分)
【73108】 Many car accidents occur _____ drunk driving.
A. due to
B. thanks to
C. because
D. for
试题8 (6分)
【73116】 If you don't hurry up,the train _____ by the time we get to the station.
A. has left
B. will have left
C. will leave
D. would have left
试题9 (6分)
【73151】 His time _____ entirely with his office work.
A. is taken up
B. is taken in
C. is taken on
D. is taken to
试题10 (6分)
【73228】 She always works overtime as she has a large family to _____.
A. provide
B. provide with
C. be provided
D. provide for
二、Dialogues (一共5题,每题8分.)
试题1 (8分)
【72600】 -- Do you mind if I sit here?
-- _____
A. No,I'm not tired.
B. Yes,I'm busy.
C. Don't mention it.
D. I'm sorry,but I do.
试题2 (8分)
【72620】 -- Can I use your telephone?
-- _____
A. Not at all.
B. Yes,how much?
C. Oh,I see.
D. No,it's broken.
试题3 (8分)
【72638】 -- Would you mind if we asked you for some advice?
-- _____
A. Thank you so much for your advice.
B. Er…What can I do for you?
C. Do you think it's true?
D. That's all right.
试题4 (8分)
【72640】 -- Would you like to go to a restaurant at the weekend?
-- _____
A. You'd better not go to a restaurant at the weekend.
B. I'm sorry,I can't.I work on Saturday and Sunday.
C. I've no idea where the restaurant is.
D. Yes,it was great.
试题5 (8分)
【72656】 -- It's very kind of you to show me around the campus.
-- _____
A. That's right.
B. Certainly,here you are.
C. I've no idea.
D. It's a pleasure.

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