开头为 Around twenty years ago i was living in York.


开头为 Around twenty years ago i was living in York.

Around twenty years ago I was living in York.21I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree, I could not find22work.
I was23a school bus to make ends meet and24with a friend of mine, for I had lost my flat. I had25five interviews (面试) with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not26the job. “Why has my life become so27?” I thought painfully.
As I pulled the bus over to28a little girl, she handed me an earning29I should keep it30somebody claimed (认领) it. The earring was painted black and said “BE HAPPY”.
At first I got angry. Then it31me – I had been giving all of my32to what was going wrong with my33rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a34of fifty things I was happy with. Later, I decided to35more things to the list. That night there was a phone call for36from a lady who was a director at a larger37 . She asked me if I would38a one-day lecture on stress (压力) management to 200 medical workers. I said yes.
My39there went very well, and before long I got a well-paid job. To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of40that I completely changed my life.
21. A. As B. Though C. If D. When
22. A. successfulB. extraC. satisfyingD. convenient
23. A. drivingB. repairing C. taking D. designing
24. A. working B. travellingC. discussing D. living
25. A. prepared for B. attendedC. asked forD. held
26. A. lose B. likeC. findD. get
27. A. hardB. busy C. seriousD. short
28. A. wave atB. drop offC. call onD. look for
29. A. orderingB. promising C. sayingD. showing
30. A. in case B. or elseC. as if D. now that
31. A. hurt B. hitC. caughtD. moved
32. A. feelings B. attention C. strengthD. interests
33. A. opinionsB. educationC. experiences D. life
34. A. listB. bookC. check D. copy
35. A. connectB. turnC. keep D. add
36. A. herB. a passenger C. me D. my friend
37. A. hospital B. factory C. restaurantD. hotel
38. A. listen to B. reviewC. give D. talk about
39. A. planB. choiceC. dayD. tour
40. A. operation B. speaking C. employmentD. thinking
【长难句解析】Tough I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree, I could not find satisfying work. 让步状语从句.尽管(though)我经历丰富,也有硕士学位,但我还是找不到令人满意的工作.
【试题解析】尽管(though)我经历丰富,也有硕士学位,但我还是找不到令人满意的(satisfying)工作.Successful (成功的);extra (额外的);convenient(方便的)
【试题解析】开(drive)一辆校车,repair修理take 拿,取D. design 设计
【试题解析】因为for I had lost my flat.,所以是和朋友住(living)在一起. . work工作 . travel旅行discuss讨论
【试题解析】我参加(attend)了五次面试. . prepared for为.准备ask for要求帮忙held举行
28. 【答案】B
【试题解析】由As I pulled the bus over,可知停车时为了让小女孩下车(drop off), wave at向某人招手call on呼吁look for寻找
【试题解析】29I should keep it30somebody claimed (认领) it.一个小女孩只能是说(say)让我保留着,以防有人来认领.Order命令,promise许诺;show指示,显示
【试题解析】29I should keep it30somebody claimed (认领) it. Keep的目的就是以防(in case)来认领.or else否则,要不然. as if 好像now that 既然.
【试题解析】hit使某人突然意识到;hurt伤害,catch抓到,move移动,受感动.Then it31me – I had been giving all of my32to what was going wrong with my33rather than what was right!这件事是我突然意识到,我太关注于我生活的不容易,而没意识到什么是是非.
【长难句解析】I had been giving all of my32to what was going wrong with my33rather than what was right! 中what was going wrong with my33rather than what was right!是个宾语从句,rather than “而不是,非”.
33. 【答案】D
【试题解析】我太关注(attention)与我生活(life)的不容易.Opinion观点,看法,education教育,experience 经历,经验.
【试题解析】make a list 列一个单子.Book书籍check支票copy 副本.
【试题解析】由下文的200 medical workers.可知,是一个大医院(hospital)的领导给我打电话.factory工厂,restaurant餐馆 hotel宾馆.
【试题解析】give a lecture做个讲座.Listen to听,review 预习,talk about谈论.
【试题解析】由上文的a one-day lecture可知,我那一天(day)过的很快乐.
【长难句解析】it was because I changed my way of40that I completely changed my life.,该句是个强调句型,强调原因状语.