Sam:Hi,John!1._____________________ John:I have nothing much to do this evening.Why?Sam:You like Jackson's singing,don't you?John:Yes,that's true.Sam:There is going to be a concert given by him in the theater at six.I have tickets.2._________________?John:I'd love to.3._____________________?Sam:How about five at my home?John:Your home?I have to drive 20 minutes and come back in 25 minutes.That's a return way.Sam:I know,but you have to,my dear friend.(


Sam:Hi,John!1._____________________ John:I have nothing much to do this evening.Why?
Sam:You like Jackson's singing,don't you?
John:Yes,that's true.
Sam:There is going to be a concert given by him in the theater at six.I have tickets.2._________________?
John:I'd love to.3._____________________?
Sam:How about five at my home?
John:Your home?I have to drive 20 minutes and come back in 25 minutes.That's a return way.
Sam:I know,but you have to,my dear friend.(Twenty minutes later)
John:Here you are.4.___________________?
Sam:Let's go over there.
John:Look at the signs.5.___________________!
Sam:Look more carefully,please!No Parking from 9 am to 4 pm.

1. What are you doing this evening?
2. Do you want to go?
3. When and where to meet?
4. Where to park?
5. No Parking!