英语翻译firstrade securities,INC,is pieased to notify you about an upcoming change.we will be changing our ciearing firm from Ridge Clearing &Outsourcing,Inc to penson financial services,inc(penson financial)the customer accounts of firstrade securities,inc,carried ang cleared by ridge clearing will be carried ang cleared by penson financial beginning on or about june 25,2010.this new arrangement simply means that our bookkeeping functions,receipt and del


firstrade securities,INC,is pieased to notify you about an upcoming change.we will be changing our ciearing firm from Ridge Clearing &Outsourcing,Inc to penson financial services,inc(penson financial)
the customer accounts of firstrade securities,inc,carried ang cleared by ridge clearing will be carried ang cleared by penson financial beginning on or about june 25,2010.this new arrangement simply means that our bookkeeping functions,receipt and delivery of securities purchased ang sold by our customers ,rights offerings,warrants,tender offers,redemptions ang all other clearing ang settlement functions will be hangled by penson financial.please note that your current account number will not change.additionally any automated clearing house instructions you have on file will remain in effect.



Firstrade的通知啊,我收到的是中文版本的:第一理财原证券结算公司Ridge Clearing证券结算业务已于近日被Penson Financial并购.原证券结算公司Ridge Clearing将於本周末,6/26与6/27,转换为Penson Financial.此项变动...