我们店里也卖糖果Candy __ __ __ in our shop.这种汽车是日本生产的This kind of car __ __ __Japen.


我们店里也卖糖果Candy __ __ __ in our shop.这种汽车是日本生产的This kind of car __ __ __Japen.
长城是中国最伟大的建筑之一The Great Wall is ___ ___ ___ ___building in China.
我姐姐比她们班任何一个女孩都漂亮My sister is ___ ___ than ___ ___ gilr in her class.
你必须周六之前把这本书还回图书馆You ___ ___ the book ___ to the library before Saturday.
这个孩子跑得太快了,所以我追不上他The boy runs so ___ that I ___ ___up with him.

Candy is also sold in our shop.
this kind of car is made in japan.