Don't you know if there----(have) to stay here that day?Do oyu know if there -----(be) a football match tomorrowI hope everything ----(go) well with you.The scientist said sound ------(travel)more slowly than lightI must go now.It"s ------(get)darkIe is -----(report) that the new supermarket will be open in three days工作努力Can you pass an apple to me?改为同义句(为什么)Can you ------ ------ ------- -------?The cildren felt e------- about the presents(为什么)


Don't you know if there----(have) to stay here that day?
Do oyu know if there -----(be) a football match tomorrow
I hope everything ----(go) well with you.
The scientist said sound ------(travel)more slowly than light
I must go now.It"s ------(get)dark
Ie is -----(report) that the new supermarket will be open in three days
Can you pass an apple to me?改为同义句(为什么)
Can you ------ ------ ------- -------?
The cildren felt e------- about the presents(为什么)