The man with beard is our teacher,还是The man has a beard is our teacher 哪一种说法是对的 还是两种都对哇 请给出理由哇 才给最佳答案


The man with beard is our teacher,还是The man has a beard is our teacher 哪一种说法是对的 还是两种都对哇
请给出理由哇 才给最佳答案

A第二句里,就有两个动词了,或者是The man has a beard,或者The man is our teacher.那样硬把两个句子捏在一起是不对的。
第一句可以,with beard做定语,那个有胡子的男人是我们的老师。

不过The man with beard is our teacher最常用

The man with beard is our teacher.对
或者用定语从句The man who has a beard is our teacher.

第一句 对
2错 在两个动词 1个主语(has is)