

Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Some people believe that students should completely focus on their academic school work,while others view physical exercise as an important part of every school day.In my point of view,I agree with the opinion that says physical exercise should be involved in daily school activities.There are three major reasons why I support this opinion.First of all,physcial exercise is required for being an overall healthy person.School is a place for training children to be knowledgable and healthy in their bodies as well as in their brain.A model student is supposed to stay healthy by doing physical activities so that he or she can have enough strength to study.Thus,physical activities is needed for focusing on academic studies.Secondly,physical exercise helps students to release their stress.When a student is doing exercise his or her boy is loose after a long day of academic studies.Doing exercise makes people relax themselves so they won't get too stressful due to their school work.Therefore,they may even study better when they can enjoy what they are doing.Last but not least,after all,school is a step of growing into an adult who can actually tribute to the society they live in.Since physical exercise is also an important part of a grown-up's life,student should learn how to manage their exercise time by doing physical exercise while they are in school.After all,a healthy body is the basic need for a person to actually contribute to their society instead of constantly getting sick because of the lack of physical exercises.In conclusion,physical exersice should be considered as a required part of every school day because it helps students study even better,it makes students less stressful,and it is nessesary for them to live on and contribute to their society.