china has made a lot of contribution ___ the defense of the world's peace 中的括号为啥要填with


china has made a lot of contribution ___ the defense of the world's peace 中的括号为啥要填with

with 错,
to 对.但是那道题为啥要用with呀?我查了也是没有make contribution with 的说.1. 说 with 错,是说 "对......做出了贡献" 的英语应该是 make a contribution to 这个搭配,而不是 make a contribution with。2. 回到你的具体的句子。是 "with the defense of the world's peace”,即 "以保卫世界和平" 这一方式做出了自己的贡献。也即,句子不是在说 "对世界和平做出贡献"。3. 当然,愿意的话,我们完全可以说 "对世界和平做出重大贡献"--make a lot of contribution to the defense of the world's peace (注:此英文并不道地)。4. "China has made a lot of contribution to the defense of the world's peace" 并不是道地的英语,一定不是出自英语为母语、受过良好教育的人之手。这句话从文体上讲是一典型的怪胎。正常的说法是:China has made a great contribution to the defense of world peace.