英语翻译翻译句子,注意后面要求,不要用在线翻译.一,他的状况紧急,因此医生马上进行了手术(carry out)二,并不是所有出席会议的人都支持他的计划(部分否定)三,无论怎么努力,他还是解不出这道题.(no matter how)四,外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了(过去分词做定语)五,在亚洲的一些地方,你不能坐着的时候脚指向别人(with 复合结构)六,她在我生病的时候来看我,真是太体贴了.(it做形式主语)七,即使孩子的观点与我们不同,也要给他们发表意见的机会.八,我们沿着驶进这个城镇的同一条路驶出了镇子(the same …as)不好意思…我是手机党,追问不了…大家想想办法吧…


翻译句子,注意后面要求,不要用在线翻译.一,他的状况紧急,因此医生马上进行了手术(carry out)二,并不是所有出席会议的人都支持他的计划(部分否定)三,无论怎么努力,他还是解不出这道题.(no matter how)四,外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了(过去分词做定语)五,在亚洲的一些地方,你不能坐着的时候脚指向别人(with 复合结构)六,她在我生病的时候来看我,真是太体贴了.(it做形式主语)七,即使孩子的观点与我们不同,也要给他们发表意见的机会.八,我们沿着驶进这个城镇的同一条路驶出了镇子(the same …as)

He is in critical condition, hence the doctor carries out the operation immediately.
Not all the participant supported his proposal.
Regardless how much efforts he put in, he can't solve the problem.

3、No matter how hard, he still can't work out the problem. 4、Foreign experts out proposal was adopted by the manager .5、Can't you sit to others when the foot with some place in Asia .

6ShecametoseemewhenIwassick,itissoconsiderate .7Evenifthechild'sviewsaredifferent from us, also want to give them the opportunity to comment. 8Wewalkedalongthetown'sinto thesameroadasdroveoutof town

1. He is in emergent situation, hence the doctor carried out operation immediately.
2. Not all who are present in the meeting support his plan.

1,The doctor carried on his operation immediately for he is in emergency.
2,Not all of the attendances support him in the meeting.