


如何给别人留下好印象 How good impression 在社交活动中或者网上,给别人留下好的第一印象并不是什么难事,试试下面十五个方法吧: In social activities or online, give other people leave a good first impressio...我想要一篇作文,我们考试用,麻烦再帮我写一篇好吗?一、主动向对方打招呼 First, take the initiative to greet each other 二、报姓名时略加说明 Second, submitted to name a little explanation 比如你姓张,便可说:“我姓张,张飞的张,不是文章的章。” For instance you zhangs, can say: "my name is zhang, zhang fei chang, not article chapter." 这样加以说明,对方会认可你的幽默风趣,也会更容易记住你。 Such examples, the other party will acknowledge your sense of humor, and easier to remember you. 三、注意自己的表情 Third, pay attention to his expression 人的心灵深处的想法都会形之于外,在表情上显露无遗。 Man's inmost thoughts will form in the outside, in expressions on exposed completely. 四、找出与对方的“共同点” Four, find out and the other side "common ground" 任何人都有“求同”心理,往往会不知不觉地因同族或同伴意识而亲密地连结在一起,同乡会、校友会之类的组织便应运而生。 Anyone plan-making psychological, often unknowingly for kin or companions consciousness and intimately linked, the association, alumni such organization will come into being. 五、了解对方的兴趣、爱好 Five, know each other's interests, 六、引导对方谈得意之事 Six, guide each other about the satisfied 七、适时地指出对方身上的微小变化 Seven, timely pointed out that other body of minor changes八、挺直的坐姿 Eight, erect posture 九、恰如其分地“附和”对方 Nine, aptly echoing "each other 十、不要忽略分手的方式 Ten, don't ignore parted ways