3.What was your proudest moment of using English?来一个五十词左右的答案,英语的


3.What was your proudest moment of using English?来一个五十词左右的答案,英语的

I feel that I need to improve my English writing level.Although I pronounce well,but there are grammatical mistakes in my writing.My proudest moment of using English is when I speak English whereas the most embarrassing mistake that I had ever made using English was "get down of the car".It was supposed to be "get out of the car".en-_-你要把我榨干么好多回答的,不是调侃就是几个单词,没办法呀,大神^o^。。。^_^再帮你写一个自己选我十个问题,第一个和你写的那个有了了第二个吧Ifeel English study iseasyfor me. Ilikeitverymuch.BecauseIthink I studyEnglishcanlearnalotofthings.And Icanknowsomeof English'shabby.谢谢你