1.I prefer classic music ( ) pop music.


1.I prefer classic music ( ) pop music.
A.than B.on C.with D.to
2.All the team members tried their best.We lost the game,( ).
A.however B.therefore C.since D.as
3.When we were having a meeting,the director ( ) the bad news by telephone.
A.was telling B.was told C.could tell D.would tell
4.Mother was busy.Although she was not watching the basketball on TV,she ( ) it on the radio.
A.was listening to B.was hearing C.was listening D.was seeing
5.Hardly ( ) home when it began to rain.
A.had I got B.I had got C.had I arrived in D.I had arrived at

这个绝对是正确答案 DABAA
1 D prefer的用法:prefer doing和prefer A to B.
2 A However 表转折,B 是所以,CD 都是因为.
3 B 被动语态 表示“被告之一个坏消息”.
4 A listen 是不及物动词,必须加to.
hear 表示听到某种声音,不能用于此处.
5 A 此处考察两点.一是倒装句式.Hardly,Occasionally,never...时间副词后必须用倒装句式
二是到家的表达.arrive at 和 get 都可以 而arrive in 后跟大面积的地点.如某个省或城市,不能用于小地点.