新概念NCE3 第一课教材中的一道练习题 关于except的用法:


新概念NCE3 第一课教材中的一道练习题 关于except的用法:
Pumas never attack a human being except( )cornered.
A.they are
C.that they are
D.when they are
1 used to introduce the only person,thing,action,fact,or situation about which a statement is not true :
The office is open every day except Sundays.
You can have any of the cakes except this one.
except for :
Everyone went except for Scott and Dan.
She felt fine except for being a little tired.
except (that) :
Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry.
except in/by/to etc:
Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency.
except when/where/if:
Benson kept the studio locked except when he was working there.
except do something:
She had nothing to do except spend money.
except to do something:
He wouldn’t talk about work,except to say that he was busy.
Do not say 'except of something' or 'except from something'.
Except is not used by itself to introduce a clause.Use unless or except when/where/if :
We won’t go unless you really want to (NOT except you really want to).
I cycle to work,except when it rains (NOT except it rains).
除了b being肯定不能选之外,其他都是可选的.为什么答案是D when they are?
问题在于什么情况下用excep (that)?什么时候用except when?
像这题如果选a they are,c that they are 也说得通啊?

except that + 从句 His report is correct except that some details are omitted. "除了有些细节未提到之外,他的报导是正确的." except when + 时间状语从句 Most of the Chinese people usually go to work on th...练习题的这个从句也可以看成一般的从句的啊。用That没有说不通啊。求解。