求英文高手 帮助英翻中 不要网页在线翻译的1.Our food,when fresh,is good that we haven’t had to change its natural taste2.We complain about our wet and changeable weather,but it is the rain which gives us our rich soil and green grass3.That a healthy diet and a good toothbrush will have the same effect4.Advertisements make us afraid that people wont't like us if we don't use the advertised products5.I have known qunite a number of foreigners who tred very hard to get an Ox


求英文高手 帮助英翻中 不要网页在线翻译的
1.Our food,when fresh,is good that we haven’t had to change its natural taste
2.We complain about our wet and changeable weather,but it is the rain which gives us our rich soil and green grass
3.That a healthy diet and a good toothbrush will have the same effect
4.Advertisements make us afraid that people wont't like us if we don't use the advertised products
5.I have known qunite a number of foreigners who tred very hard to get an Oxford accent
6.It can take you exactly where you want to go
7.Buses and coaches are a cheaper way of carrying lots of people but they can be boarded only at set stops and certain times
因为是老师勾的考试重点 可老师不给答案 我又是英文盲 请求帮助
