英语画线句提问1.There is a big.划线句a big tree 2.Tom is my good friend.分两句第一句划Tom 第二句划my 3.I often go to bed at 10:00.划线句at 10:00 4.l bought 10 books yesterday.划线句10 5.Tom went to shanghai last year.分三句第一句划Tom 第二句划shanghai 第三句划last year.6.Mother bonght a car for my brother.分两句第一句划a car 第二句划my brother 7.The book is Tom's.划线句Tom's.8.The sky is blue.划线句blue.9.l have 100 dollars.划线句100.10.The black cap is Mary's.划线句The black.


1.There is a big.划线句a big tree 2.Tom is my good friend.分两句第一句划Tom 第二句划my 3.I often go to bed at 10:00.划线句at 10:00 4.l bought 10 books yesterday.划线句10 5.Tom went to shanghai last year.分三句第一句划Tom 第二句划shanghai 第三句划last year.6.Mother bonght a car for my brother.分两句第一句划a car 第二句划my brother 7.The book is Tom's.划线句Tom's.8.The sky is blue.划线句blue.9.l have 100 dollars.划线句100.10.The black cap is Mary's.划线句The black.

  1. What is there?

  2. Who is your good friend?/Whose good friend is Tom?

  3. When do you often go to bed?

  4. How many books did you buy yesterday?

  5. Who went to shanghai last year?/Where did Tom go last year?/When did Tom go to SH ?

  6. What did Mom buy for your bro.?/Who did your mom buy a car for?

  7. Whose book is this?

  8. What's the color of the sky?

  9. How much money do you have?

  10. Which cup is Mary's ?

做任务中,望采纳^   ^

1.is there a big tree?2. who is my good friend? whose good friend is Tom?3. when do you often go to bed?4.how many books did you buy yesteday? 5.who went to shanghai last year? where did tom go last year?when did tom go to shanghai?6. what did my mother buy for my brother?whom did my mother buy a car for?7.whose is the book? 8. what color is the sky?9.how many dollars do you have? 10.which cap is mary's?

1题 What is there ?
2题 1)Who is your good friend ? 2) Whose good friend is Tom ?
3题 What time do you often go to bed ?
4题 How many books did you buy yesterday ?
5题 1) Who went to shanghai last year ? 2) Where did Tom go last year ? 3) When did Tom go to Shanghai ?
6题 1) What did mother buy for your brother ? 2) Who did mother buy a car for ?
7题 Whose the book is?
8题 What colour is the sky ?
9题 How much dollars do you have ?
10题 Which cup is Mary's ?

1 what
2 who whose
3 when
4 how much
5 who where when
6 what whom
7 whose
8 what color
9 how much
10 which

1 What is there
1)Who is your good friend
2) Whose good friend is Tom
3 What time do you often go to bed
4 How many books did you buy yesterday
1) Who went to shanghai last year
2) Where did Tom go last year
3) When did Tom go to Shanghai
1) What did mother buy for your brother
2) Who did mother buy a car for
7 Whose is the book
8 What colour is the sky
9 How much dollars do you have
10 Which cup is Mary's

1,What is it
2.(1)Who is your good friend
(2) Who is Tom's good friend
3.What time do you often go to ded
4.How many books did you buy yesterday
5(1)Who went to shanghai last year
(2) Where did Tom go last year
(3) When did Tom went to shanghai
6.(1)What did you Mother buy for your brother
(2)Who did your mother buy a car for
7.Whoes the book is
8.What colour is the sky
9.How much do you have
10.What colour is Mary's.cap
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