( ),I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week


( ),I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week
A However the story is amusing
B No matter amusing the story is
C However amusing the story is
D No matter how the story is amusing
I thought our friendship was finished ( )Jenny apologized first and I forgave her right then
B until
C while
D unless
Shall we pay a visit to the Great wall tomorrow morning?
( )it rains
A If
B Until
C Since
D Unless

However amusing the story is,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.
解析:这是个让步状语从句.however +adj=no matter how+adj
A However the story is amusing 要把amusing放在however后,B No matter amusing the story is
要在matter后面加how,D No matter how the story is amusing要把amusing放在how后面.
2 选B,考查状语从句的连接词.句意:我想我们的友谊结束了直到珍妮首先道歉并且我原谅了她.
Awhen .的时候 B until 直到 C while 然而 D unless 除非,如果不
Shall we pay a visit to the Great wall tomorrow morning?我们明天早上要去参观长城吗?
Unless it rains.如果不下雨的话
解析:A 如果 B直到 C自从;因为 D如果不